BME Matematikai- és Számítástudományi Doktori Iskola > Témajavaslatok

2022-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

Supervisor Department/Institute SH eligible topic Thesis proposal
BÁRÁNY Balázs Department of Stochastics Yes Dimension theory of dynamical systems
BARNA Imre Ferenc Wigner Research Center for Physics Yes Searching for analytic solutions of physically relevant non-linear partial differential equations 
BURAI Pál Department of Differential Equations No Convex analysis
BURAI Pál Department of Differential Equations Yes Quasi-arithmetic expressions
CSÁJI Balázs Csanád SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control No Reinforcement Learning
CSÁJI Balázs Csanád SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control No Statistical Learning
CSATÓ László SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control No Tournament design
DOMOKOS Gábor, LÁNGI Zsolt Department of Geometry Yes Morphodynamics of convex solids
DOMOKOS Gábor, LÁNGI Zsolt Department of Geometry Yes Convex mosaics
DOMOKOS Mátyás Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics No Invariant theory
FARAGÓ István Department of Differential Equations Yes Numerical methods of boundary value problems  for ODE
GILYÉN András Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics No Quantum Computing
HEGEDŰS Pál Department of Analysis Yes Reflection subgroups of finite and affine Weyl groups
HEGEDŰS Pál Department of Analysis Yes Constants of Algebraic Derivations
IVANYOS Gábor Department of Algebra No Algebraic methods in quantum information processing
IVANYOS Gábor Department of Algebra No Graphs, algebra and algorithms
KISS Gergely Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics No Fuglede’s conjecture on Abelian groups
KOVÁCS Edith Alice Department of Differential Equations Yes Vine copula modelling in high dimension and applications
KOVÁCS Edith Alice Department of Differential Equations Yes Dealing with the curse of dimensionality: divide and conquer exploiting the stochastic dependency structure encoded by its Markov network
KROÓ András Department of Analysis Yes Optimal polynomial meshes, discretization of the uniform and integral norms of multivariate polynomials
LÁNGI Zsolt Department of Geometry Yes Extremum problems in geometry
MATOLCSI Máté Department of Analysis No Selected applications of Fourier analysis
MOLNÁR Lajos Department of Analysis Yes Transformations on structures of matrices, operators, and functions
MOLONTAY Roland Department of Stochastics Yes Data-driven methods of complex networks
MOLONTAY Roland Department of Stochastics Yes Network science and interpretable machine learning-based decision support systems
PACH János Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Yes Geometric and Topological Graphs
PACH Péter Pál Department of Computer Science and Information Theory Yes Applications of the polynomial method
PACH Péter Pál Department of Computer Science and Information Theory Yes Arithmetic combinatorics
RÓNYAI Lajos Department of Algebra No Algebraic methods in computer science
SIMON Károly Department of Stochastics Yes Self-similar and self-conformal fractals
SIMON Károly Department of Stochastics Yes Dimension theory of non-Markovian attractors and non-linear hyperbolic sets
STIPSICZ András Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics No Legendrian knots in contact three-manifolds
SZABÓ Szilárd Department of Geometry No Algebraic Geometric aspects of Moduli Spaces
SZIRMAI Jenő Department of Geometry No Ball packings, coverings and Dirichlet-Voronoi cells in Thurston geometries
TELCS András Wigner Research Centre for Physics Yes Causality analysis and dimension estimates
TELCS András Wigner Research Centre for Physics Yes Causality analysis in economy, ecology and other fields
TÓTH Imre Department of Stochastics Yes Statistical behaviour in hyperbolic dynamical systems
VETŐ Bálint Department of Stochastics No Asymptotics of exactly solvable models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class

2021-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2020-ban meghirdetett PhD témák

2019-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2018-ban meghirdetett PhD témák

2017-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2016-ban meghirdetett PhD témák

2015-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2014-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2013-ban meghirdetett PhD témák

2012-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2011-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

2010-ben meghirdetett PhD témák

Utolsó módosítás: 2022.11.21.