BME Matematikai- és Számítástudományi Doktori Iskola > Témajavaslatok
2022-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
Supervisor | Department/Institute | SH eligible topic | Thesis proposal |
BÁRÁNY Balázs | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Dimension theory of dynamical systems |
BARNA Imre Ferenc | Wigner Research Center for Physics | Yes | Searching for analytic solutions of physically relevant non-linear partial differential equations |
BURAI Pál | Department of Differential Equations | No | Convex analysis |
BURAI Pál | Department of Differential Equations | Yes | Quasi-arithmetic expressions |
CSÁJI Balázs Csanád | SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control | No | Reinforcement Learning |
CSÁJI Balázs Csanád | SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control | No | Statistical Learning |
CSATÓ László | SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control | No | Tournament design |
DOMOKOS Gábor, LÁNGI Zsolt | Department of Geometry | Yes | Morphodynamics of convex solids |
DOMOKOS Gábor, LÁNGI Zsolt | Department of Geometry | Yes | Convex mosaics |
DOMOKOS Mátyás | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | No | Invariant theory |
FARAGÓ István | Department of Differential Equations | Yes | Numerical methods of boundary value problems for ODE |
GILYÉN András | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | No | Quantum Computing |
HEGEDŰS Pál | Department of Analysis | Yes | Reflection subgroups of finite and affine Weyl groups |
HEGEDŰS Pál | Department of Analysis | Yes | Constants of Algebraic Derivations |
IVANYOS Gábor | Department of Algebra | No | Algebraic methods in quantum information processing |
IVANYOS Gábor | Department of Algebra | No | Graphs, algebra and algorithms |
KISS Gergely | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | No | Fuglede’s conjecture on Abelian groups |
KOVÁCS Edith Alice | Department of Differential Equations | Yes | Vine copula modelling in high dimension and applications |
KOVÁCS Edith Alice | Department of Differential Equations | Yes | Dealing with the curse of dimensionality: divide and conquer exploiting the stochastic dependency structure encoded by its Markov network |
KROÓ András | Department of Analysis | Yes | Optimal polynomial meshes, discretization of the uniform and integral norms of multivariate polynomials |
LÁNGI Zsolt | Department of Geometry | Yes | Extremum problems in geometry |
MATOLCSI Máté | Department of Analysis | No | Selected applications of Fourier analysis |
MOLNÁR Lajos | Department of Analysis | Yes | Transformations on structures of matrices, operators, and functions |
MOLONTAY Roland | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Data-driven methods of complex networks |
MOLONTAY Roland | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Network science and interpretable machine learning-based decision support systems |
PACH János | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | Yes | Geometric and Topological Graphs |
PACH Péter Pál | Department of Computer Science and Information Theory | Yes | Applications of the polynomial method |
PACH Péter Pál | Department of Computer Science and Information Theory | Yes | Arithmetic combinatorics |
RÓNYAI Lajos | Department of Algebra | No | Algebraic methods in computer science |
SIMON Károly | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Self-similar and self-conformal fractals |
SIMON Károly | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Dimension theory of non-Markovian attractors and non-linear hyperbolic sets |
STIPSICZ András | Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics | No | Legendrian knots in contact three-manifolds |
SZABÓ Szilárd | Department of Geometry | No | Algebraic Geometric aspects of Moduli Spaces |
SZIRMAI Jenő | Department of Geometry | No | Ball packings, coverings and Dirichlet-Voronoi cells in Thurston geometries |
TELCS András | Wigner Research Centre for Physics | Yes | Causality analysis and dimension estimates |
TELCS András | Wigner Research Centre for Physics | Yes | Causality analysis in economy, ecology and other fields |
TÓTH Imre | Department of Stochastics | Yes | Statistical behaviour in hyperbolic dynamical systems |
VETŐ Bálint | Department of Stochastics | No | Asymptotics of exactly solvable models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class |
2021-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2020-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2019-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2018-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2017-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2016-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2015-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2014-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2013-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2012-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2011-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2010-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
Utolsó módosítás: 2022.11.21.