BME Matematikai- és Számítástudományi Doktori Iskola > Témajavaslatok
2019-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
Supervisor |
Department/Institute |
Thesis proposal |
BÁRÁNY Balázs |
Department of Stochastics |
DOMOKOS Gábor, LÁNGI Zsolt |
Department of Geometry |
FARAGÓ István |
Department of Differential Equations |
HORVÁTH Róbert |
Department of Analysis |
Qualitative investigation of the numerical solutions of partial differential equations |
Department of Algebra |
Department of Algebra |
Department of Analysis |
KATONA Y. Gyula |
Department of Computer Science and Information Theory |
KISS Sándor |
Department of Algebra |
KROÓ András |
Department of Analysis |
LÁNGI Zsolt |
Department of Geometry |
Department of Analysis |
MOLNÁR Lajos |
Department of Analysis |
Transformations on structures of matrices, operators, and functions |
Department of Analysis |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Modelling the mesoscale organization of the network of the cerebral cortex |
ORBÁN Gergő |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Deep generative learning for understanding hierarchical computations in the visual system |
ORBÁN Gergő |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Neural code in the visual system: characterization of population using machine learning |
PACH Péter Pál |
Department of Computer Science and Information Theory |
PETE Gábor |
Department of Stochastics |
RÁTH Balázs |
Department of Stochastics |
SIMON Károly |
Department of Stochastics |
SIMON Károly |
Department of Stochastics |
SIMON Károly |
Department of Stochastics |
Dimension theory of non-Markovian attractors and non-linear hyperbolic sets |
SZABÓ Szilárd |
Department of Geometry |
Department of Geometry |
Ball packings, coverings and Dirichlet-Voronoi cells in Thurston geometries |
TELCS András |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
TELCS András |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
TELCS András |
Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
TÓTH János |
Department of Analysis |
Appplications of algebraic methods in chemical reaction kinetics |
VETŐ Bálint |
Department of Stochastics |
Asymptotics of exactly solvable models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class |
VRANA Péter |
Department of Geometry |
WEINER Mihály |
Department of Analysis |
Quantum probability theory in many player games and matrix algebras |
2018-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2017-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2016-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2015-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2014-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2013-ban meghirdetett PhD témák
2012-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2011-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
2010-ben meghirdetett PhD témák
Utolsó módosítás: 2019.12.05.